Quantem – Privacy Policy

Australia and New Zealand

Date last updated: January 2023

Protecting your privacy is important to us. 

This policy explains how the Quantem Group of Companies manages personal information within our organisation. The Quantem Group of companies comprises Hyperion Investments Australia Pty Ltd ABN 36 600 693 945 and its subsidiary companies.

Kinds of personal information we collect

The kinds of personal information that we collect and hold about you may include:

  • identifying information, such as your name and date of birth;
  • contact information, such as your postal address, email address and telephone number;
  • billing and financial information, such as bank account or other payment details;
  • In the case of suppliers who are sole traders, details of any products or services that we acquire from you;
  • records of our communications with you, including any messages or enquiries you send us;
  • employee records, including employee medical records and ID documents, such as passports and tax file numbers;
  • information relating to our pre-employment checks and any candidate data;
  • biometric template information collected by our time and attendance recording systems in use from time to time;
  • video footage of you recorded on any security and/or safety CCTV cameras; and
  • device information, server log information, IP address, and location information.

You are generally not required to provide us with your personal information.  However, in certain circumstances, without this information we may not be able to provide you with products or services (or all of the features and functionality offered by our products or services), employment or to respond to queries or requests that you submit to us.

How we collect personal information

We collect personal information about you in the following ways:

  • when you order products or services from us;
  • when you submit a feedback, query or request to us;
  • when you respond to a survey that we run or fill in forms on one of our websites;
  • by tracking your use of our websites;
  • from public sources;
  • from third parties who are entitled to disclose that information to us;
  • when you apply for a job with us and in the course of your employment with us;
  • when you use our time and attendance recording system from time to time; and
  • when you visit our sites, as you may be recorded on any CCTV cameras in use.

Where we collect personal information from you, we will generally do so directly ourselves.  However, in some cases we may collect personal information from a third party, such as through your representatives, contractors who provide services to us, or third parties who refer you to us because they think you may be interested in our products or services.

Purposes for which we use personal information

We use personal information that we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • for security and safety purposes, or to monitor and record any access to our sites;
  • to verify your identity when you are dealing with us;
  • In the case of suppliers who are sole traders, to enable us to acquire products and services including any related charging and billing;
  • to answer your feedback, queries and requests;
  • to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations;
  • to improve customer service and our customer relationships;
  • for employment purposes, or to carry out education and training programs for our staff;
  • to manage and resolve any legal or commercial complaints or issues;
  • to keep you informed about our activities, including by sending out communications.

We may also use and disclose your information for other purposes as authorised by you, or in accordance with your requests or instructions.

People to whom we disclose personal information

We may share personal information about you with:

  • your representatives, advisers and others you have authorised to interact with us on your behalf;
  • our staff who need the information to discharge their duties;
  • related entities within our corporate group;
  • our business partners, agents, professional advisers and service providers;
  • payment system operators and financial institutions;
  • government authorities who ask us to disclose that information, or to other people as required by law.

The Quantem Group of companies its affiliates and service providers may be located in Australia, or New Zealand, or both.  We may disclose your personal information to recipients located in these jurisdictions when necessary to provide you with our services.

We take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that any overseas recipient has appropriate safeguards in place, ensures an adequate level of protection of your personal information, and does not breach Australian or New Zealand privacy law (as applicable) or this Privacy Policy.


We use cookies to monitor and observe your use of our websites, compile aggregate data about that use, and provide you with a more effective service (which may include customising parts of our websites based on your preferences and past activities on those websites).  “Cookies” are small text files created and stored on your hard drive by your internet browser software, in order to hold relevant information about the web page you are currently viewing.  Most internet browsers have a facility that will allow you to disable cookies altogether – please refer to your browser’s help menu to find out how to do this.  While you will still be able to browse our websites with cookies disabled on your internet browser, some website functionality may not be available or may not function correctly.

Storage and security of personal information

We take reasonable steps to ensure that any of your personal information which we hold is accurate, complete and up-to-date.  These steps include promptly updating personal information when we are advised that the information has changed and checking our contact lists for accuracy.

We are taking steps to ensure we store personal information for as long as it is needed for the purpose for which it was collected or as required by law.  We generally store the personal information that we collect in electronic databases, some of which may be held on our behalf by third party data storage providers.  Sometimes we also keep hard copy records of this personal information in physical storage facilities.  We use a range of physical and technical security processes and procedures to protect the confidentiality and security of the information that we hold, and we update these from time to time to address new and emerging security threats.

We are also taking steps to monitor access to and modification of your information by our staff, and ensure that our staff are aware of and properly trained in their obligations for managing your privacy.

Access and correction

If you want to access any of the personal information that we hold about you or to correct some aspect of it, please contact us using the contact details set out below.  To protect the integrity and security of the information we hold, we may ask that you follow a defined access procedure, which may include steps to verify your identity.  In certain cases, we may charge you an administration fee for providing you with access to the information you have asked for, but we will inform you of this before proceeding.  There may be cases where we are not required or are unable to provide the information you request, such as where it would interfere with the privacy of others or result in a breach of confidentiality.  In these cases we will let you know why we cannot comply with your request. 


We try to meet the highest standards in order to protect your privacy.  However, if you are concerned about the way in which we are managing your personal information and think we may have breached the Australian Privacy Principles, the New Zealand Privacy Principles, or any other relevant obligation, please contact us using the contact details set out below.  Complaints must be lodged in writing.  We will deal with the matter within a reasonable time, and will keep you informed of the progress of our investigation.

If we have not responded to you within a reasonable time or if you feel that your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, you can contact us to discuss your concerns.  You are also entitled to make a complaint:

  • if you are in Australia, to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Contact details can be found at the OAIC’s website: oaic.gov.au
  • if you are in New Zealand, to the Office of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner (OPC). Contact details can be found at the OPC’s website: privacy.org.nz

Changes to this policy

We may make changes to this policy from time to time, to take into account changes to our standard practices and procedures or where necessary to comply with new laws and regulations.  If we do so, we will generally provide notice of the change by publishing our updated policy on our website.

The latest version of this policy is available on our website at www.quantem.com.au.

Contact details

If you need to contact us or want any further information from us on privacy matters, please contact our Privacy Officer at privacy@quantem.com.au.